Uniting the Community, Strengthening Cohesion
The People’s Association Malay Activity Executive Committees Council (PA MESRA) was formed in 1988 as the umbrella body of the Malay Activity Executive Committees (MAECs). The latter was formed in 1977 and to date, there are 97 MAECs based in community clubs all over Singapore.
The main role of PA MESRA and the MAECs is to bring the Malay community together and integrate them into the larger Singapore society so as to strengthen social cohesion and achieve One People, One Singapore.
Both PA MESRA and the MAECs are made up of volunteers. They are supported by staff from the People’s Association.
Some of the key initiatives by PA MESRA and the MAECs include Perkasa Warisan, Gentarasa, community dialogues, SHIOK Series of courses and Health Fiesta.