SGTeguhBersatu Initiatives
SGTeguhBersatu Initiatives
Ramadan 2020 Handbook – Contemporary Irsyad Series Vol. 2
The Office of Mufti introduced the Ramadan 2020 Handbook, “Contemporary Irsyad Series Vol 2” to guide the community in practising their faith during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Handbook will emphasise the role of Singaporean Muslims as citizens in practising social responsibility to curb the transmission of COVID-19. It includes several religious advisories that have been issued during this outbreak. Other related frequently-asked religious queries that have been put forth by the members of the public are also addressed in the Handbook.
View the Contemporary Irsyad Series Vol 2 here – English & Malay
#SGUnited Buka Puasa
The #SGUnited Buka Puasa initiative is a ground-up effort to provide meals for breaking of fast during the month of Ramadan. Daily meals will be extended to two groups within the community, i) healthcare professionals and their families; and ii) Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (Muis)’ zakat beneficiaries and other families who require the provision of meals during this challenging time. This initiative aims to express our gratitude and solidarity with those on the frontlines of the battle against COVID-19 and to support those who are significantly affected by the outbreak.
Led by Muis, SalamSG TV is a web-based channel that will provide content during the month of Ramadan. SalamSG TV aims to enhance the community’s Ramadan spiritual experience and strengthen the psychological resilience of the community.
SalamSG TV will showcase religious as well as lifestyle content. It will feature exclusive religious content from several asatizah who will be addressing a diverse range of religious and motivational topics. Several mosques have collaborated to develop a tajwid (enunciation) series to guide the community on how to improve your recitation of the Quran. The lifestyle segment will showcase a variety of content, which include arts and crafts and storytelling videos for children, and workshops on Islamic calligraphy and tarannum (Quranic melodious recitation).
Visit for more information.
Ceria Ramadan
Ceria Ramadan airs on Suria every Tuesday and Thursday. It touches on how the Muslim community is observing Ramadan this year in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis.
View episodes of Ceria Ramadan on meWatch here.
Since the temporary closure of the mosques on 13 March 2020, the community has not been able to donate directly to mosques through donation boxes, which mosques rely on for mosque operations and manpower funding.
To help mosques in these challenging times, Muis has partnered MuslimSG to launch OurMasjid.SG - a community crowdfunding initiative to rally the community to provide funding support for mosques. Through this new platform, the community can make online donations to mosques via credit and debit cards, eNETs, PayNow and GIRO. Recurring payments can also be made through credit/debit card or GIRO to help support the mosques in the long term.
ARS Booklet for Asatizah

This booklet provides information on support for asatizah who have been affected by COVID-19 crisis.
Click here to view the ARS Booklet.
Pergas Gracious Package
With the temporary closure of mosques and suspension of large-group events and classes due to COVID-19, over 200 asatizah will be economically impacted. These asatizah are those who are either independent, self-employed or without any full-time employment in Singapore. Their main source of income is from conducting religious activities and classes.
To ensure that the welfare of local asatizah is well taken care of especially in times of crisis and uncertainty, Pergas has introduced the Gracious Package to provide affected asatizah with financial support during these challenging times.
Visit for more information.
Click here to view infographics on Pergas Gracious Package.

CariKerja App & JUMP Virtual Career Fair
Download the FindJobs or CariKerja app and visit our JUMP Virtual Career Fair, where more than 1,000 job vacancies across various sectors are available. Click here to view infographics on the CariKerja App.

Career Advisory Helpline
A MENDAKI SENSE hotline to provide workers assistance on employment and training enquiries. Available from Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6.00pm and Saturday 8.30am to 1.00pm.
Call the Career Advisory Helpline at 6653 1203 for more information.
Click here to view infographics on the Career Advisory Helpline.

SMCCI, together with SME Centre@SMCCI, will work with members in identifying measures and leveraging on available programmes that have been put in place to assist businesses. Members can book a consultation with SMCCI to assess support schemes that they can tap on to see them through these challenging times.
Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy (TTFS)
Existing TTFS applicants from Universities, Polytechnics, ITE (Technical Engineering Diploma) and Building & Construction Authority Academy (Diploma) can re-apply to get a higher subsidy if their household income is affected due to COVID-19. Re-application is open till Thursday, 15 May 2020 (for polytechnic, ITE & BCA applicants), from 1 May to 31 Jul (for University applicants including NAFA and LaSalle).
Click here to view infographics on MENDAKI’s TTFS.

Interim Allowance For ITE students
Malay/Muslim students from ITEs can now apply to get a monthly interim allowance from Jun to Aug 2020. This allowance is meant to offset student’s meals and transport expenses once school re-opens. Download and fill in the application form and submit it to the respective ITE’s YouthSpace officer.
To apply, visit

Kampus M³
A ground-up and self-help initiative to support parents with primary school students with their homework.
For more information, visit
Temporary Assistance Package 2.0 (TAP 2.0)
AMP Singapore has introduced a $100,000 temporary assistance package to assist families of workers who have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Temporary Assistance Package 2.0 or TAP 2.0 will offer temporary support to these families for a period of one year until their household financial situation stabilises. TAP was first introduced in March 2009 to support retrenched workers and their families who were affected by the economic crisis then.
For more information, visit